Today is the last day in room 20 and for the year 6's their last day at Parkvale School!
I am so sad to leave this wonderful school!
It is so sad to be leaving all of the wonderful teachers.
I loved being at Parkvale School and I wish that it went up to High School!
I am going to miss being in a digi class!
I am going to love being at Hastings Intermediate but I will never forget Parkvale!
In 2012 I have achieved lots of new and cool things! Parkvale School gives you lots of new and amazing achievements!
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Monday, December 17, 2012
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Kitty Cat Art!
Flower the Kitty cat:) |
Asteroid Plan!
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This video features Casey! |
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This video also features Parris! |
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It features Natasha! |
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This video features Felicity! |
Monday, December 3, 2012
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
The girl with an injured back!
Based on a true story!
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
First Pen Pal Letters From Room 121
Today room 20 got a surprise! It was our pen pal letters from the USA. I was a camera-woman at first, capturing the magical moments. Then Mr.M said that our letters have arrived! The class were so excited. Below is a video of us receiving our letters!
Letters! from Kieren Moriarty on Vimeo.
Letters! from Kieren Moriarty on Vimeo.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Bird vs Ballon by Flossie:) on GoAnimate
Video Maker - Powered by GoAnimate.
Goanimate style by Flossie:) on GoAnimate
Animation Software - Powered by GoAnimate.
Video Maker - Powered by GoAnimate.
Goanimate style by Flossie:) on GoAnimate
Animation Software - Powered by GoAnimate.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Safe Cycling!
Here is my T. This picture shows who goes first! Natasha |
Here is a picture of some lizards showing the right road rules. Casey.
This is my picture that I made on Paint. It tells you who goes first. Flossie
Road Rules For Bikes:
- If there's a bike path then you can ride their or on the road. Where there is no cycle path you must ride on the road and keep as far left as possible to be safe.
- You should only be on the footpath if you are under 10 and without an adult or delivering mail.
- You may ride in the bus lanes but if there's a sign forbidding this then do not.
- If you are riding with other cyclists then don’t ride more the two abreast. But if near vehicles and other riders be in single file.
- Strong, bold and clear arm signals to stop, turn or reduce speed.
- You must wear and helmet that fits correctly.
- Follow the same road rules as a vehicle at intersections.
- You must have a light on your bike at night.
- Have everything checked before you go out on the road.
- Wear a hi-viz jacket to be properly protected (Only if it is like a misty or gray day)
Road signs and what they mean.
Bus lane that can also
be used by cycles,
motorcycles, mopeds
You must not go
faster than 50 km/h
School patrol-you must stop
Bus lane that can only be used by busses
You must keep left unless
You must not drive into this road .
Transit lane, which can only
be used by passenger service
vehicles, cycles, motorcycles and
vehicles carrying at least the
number of people displayed
on the sign (eg T2 means two
or more people, T3 means
three or more people)
You must slow down
(or stop, if necessary)
and give way.
You must not turn left.
Things On A Bike
This is a picture of all the things on a bike labeled.
- Wheels
- Frame
- Chain
- Pedal
- seat
- Gears
- Brakes
- Handlebars
Road Sense:
Good judgement in avoiding trouble or accidents on the road.
Safety Check
- Oil on chain
- Pedals can swing around and around.
- Helmet fits
- Brakes work and can stop.
- Wheels pumped up
- Bike stand works
- Bike seat at the right height
A music video of Natasha, Casey, and I singing our bike safety song!
Monday, November 5, 2012
Maths Homework!
Here is my ShowMe of my two maths problems!
I hope that you will enjoy!
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Mathletics posters!
In room 20 we have been doing mathletics posters.
Below is a video of Katherine, Natasha and I ( Felicity ) interviewing each other about our mathletics posters that we worked on for the competition.
We hope that you enjoy our video that we put together on iMovie with a project!
Filmed by all of the girls!
Mathletics Interviews from Kieren Moriarty on Vimeo.
Below is a video of Katherine, Natasha and I ( Felicity ) interviewing each other about our mathletics posters that we worked on for the competition.
We hope that you enjoy our video that we put together on iMovie with a project!
Filmed by all of the girls!
Mathletics Interviews from Kieren Moriarty on Vimeo.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
How to be able to fly?
Did you ever want to be able to fly?
Well you now can, if you follow these steps to make a "Magic Potion!" Just try it and then you will "Be away flying with the fairies."
You will need:
- 13 Pink rose petals
- 3 Sprays of Taylor Swift's Wonderstruck Perfume
- 3 Bird feathers
- 2 Sprinkles of sugar ( I recommend 2 sprinkles or it will all go wrong )
- 1 Piece of bread
- 3 cups of melted chocolate
- 5 hairs from your Best Friend
- One bird beak ( Preferably not a native bird )
- 3 Boysenberries
- One cup of Coca Cola
- A Firkin ( Another word for a Cauldron )
- 2 cups of boiling hot water
- 10 Baby bottles with the soft and squishy lids
Side Effects:
- Not be able to get down from flying
- Feel like bouncing around the place
- You might get sun burnt all over
- You might start chirping like a bird
- Birds could be attracted to you
- First you need to collect your list of what you will need
- Dump all of your ingredients in your Firkin (except for the Baby Bottles and the Hot Water)
- Pour in the hot water and mix it all up until it is smooth and runny.
- Now pour it equally into the 10 baby bottles.
- Put the 10 bottles into the fridge for 24 hours.
- Once the 24 hours are up you may now get them out of the fridge.
- Now they have to be put in the microwave for 13 seconds ( Just for a little bit of warmth to make it better )
- You now can have one bottle to sip on for as long as you like
- Once you have drank one bottle, you then will feel a tingle and then a KAPPOW!
- What just happened, means that it has worked correctly
- Now you should be able to fly, if you can’t then you might need to restart or re-trace your steps to see where you went wrong.
- Now you may enjoy your time to be able to fly
Extra things that you might like to know about the potion:
- Use one bottle at a time for the full excitement of being able to fly
- One bottle will last 1 month
- Say ‘uppy’ to go up and fly for as long as you like and say ‘downy ‘to go down and be able to walk like a normal human being
- Free flying lessons! Find out more with this link:Free flying lessons
Free Flying Lessons!
Hello I am Felicity and I am here to talk to you about flying lessons!
It is pretty quick and easy so lets get started!
First you need to find a bird and ask him/her how they cope with flying around and what are some good tips.
Then you should be able to have a quick flying lesson from the bird.
Now you need to try and do it by your self.
If the bird says that you have completed your task you may go and fly with the birds and the fairies!
It is pretty quick and easy so lets get started!
First you need to find a bird and ask him/her how they cope with flying around and what are some good tips.
Then you should be able to have a quick flying lesson from the bird.
Now you need to try and do it by your self.
If the bird says that you have completed your task you may go and fly with the birds and the fairies!
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
I am Poem And Art!
I am Sporty, Funny, Friendly, Smart. I am in love with animals. I am a young leader, dancer, gymnast and an artist. I am a daughter. I AM ME AND THATS WHO I'LL BE!
It is that time of year once again. When we have to start doing our calender art for 2013. In room 20 we are doing are type of art where you can choose any colours that you would like to choose. Get an A4 piece of paper and draw some wavy lines that can go off the page for a good effect. Then you get your colours and paint the wavy lines in a pattern or just in your own way. Then once it has dried you have to get a black sharpie pen and outline the wavy bits so then it stands out much better. Now you have to use that black sharpie pen to write down a poem that is describing stuff about you and what you like. As you can see above is my poem. Also below is my art that I will be doing for my calender art for 2012's calender.
If you would like you can try this, it is lots of fun and is very enjoyable!
It is that time of year once again. When we have to start doing our calender art for 2013. In room 20 we are doing are type of art where you can choose any colours that you would like to choose. Get an A4 piece of paper and draw some wavy lines that can go off the page for a good effect. Then you get your colours and paint the wavy lines in a pattern or just in your own way. Then once it has dried you have to get a black sharpie pen and outline the wavy bits so then it stands out much better. Now you have to use that black sharpie pen to write down a poem that is describing stuff about you and what you like. As you can see above is my poem. Also below is my art that I will be doing for my calender art for 2012's calender.
If you would like you can try this, it is lots of fun and is very enjoyable!
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Reciting Nose-Weed
RECITING NOSE-WEED from Johnstones on Vimeo.
Here is me reciting my favourite part of Nose-Weed from Paul Jennings!
I hope that you will enjoy!
I made it on Windows Live Movie Maker:)
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Pass The Blog
Production Team 5 from Johnstones on Vimeo.
Night Number One
The excitement is running through the air, I can feel it running up my spine. It is going around everyone.
Well tonight is our first performance in front of a live audience. I am so excited, I have all of my costumes here in room 3. All of the Kapa Haka group are playing hand games, getting their makeup done. Then Mali our instructor and Teeps the guitar player walk in and say that they could hear us from the hall, which is bad because our audience were entering the hall. I was so eager to start. Then it was time. Time to line up outside in the cold, with wet puddles and the slight sign of grey rain clouds in the night sky. My feet were frozen, my toes were like icicles. As for the rest of the group, I think they were cold to. Then the door opened all I could think of was. “ Time to go on stage. “ But sadly no we were getting told off for being so loud. Then at long last the door swung open and nearly hit me in the face. It was time. Our time to shine in front of everyone. Once we had gone through our three songs and one Haka, we left the stage to get into our next costumes. I had to get into my white top and black shorts, with makeup all ready for my Locomotion dance and wearable arts. So here I am waiting behind the curtain. Then it was the Green Is Gold play. They finished with a rap/song. That was when all of the wearable arts people went to go and get changed into our costumes. Then after waiting for the third dance group, we all entered the back of the hall ready to ‘ strut our style ‘ down the aisle and around the stage. It was so much fun showing off my costume to the audience. Next I had to take my wearable arts costume off. Then Erin and Thea come rushing in to make sure that Thea can get dressed and get all of her makeup on ready for our Locomotion dance. Once Thea was dressed and had all of her makeup on we were out the door rushing over to the door that is behind the curtain. Just as we arrive we had about 3 minutes until we were on. Doing Locomotion was awesome, the group had so much fun. Then Erin, Thea and I all run off and get our leggings and Rock ‘n’ Roll skirts on already for our time to boogie on stage. Wow, I was getting tired by the time we were arriving at the door ‘ AGAIN. ‘ Now that we are doing our Rock ‘n’ Roll in front of everyone with the choir singing all over the place, I think that I am almost ready to call it a night. But sadly no I still have choir number two that I have to perform in and I also have another three nights. Along with the rest of team 5 students I have a feeling that we are very excited to finally have this show up and running, but by the end of the week I am sure that we are going to be very, very, VERY tired!
Here is a link to my production label on my blog!
Here is a video that I made for Pass the Blog!
It is based on Parkvale School's senior production,' Parkvale Live'
It has videos from different parts of the production. I made it on Movie Maker.
The videos were filmed by The Techie Team and Mr.M!
The diary above is from night number one of Parkvale School's team 5 production!
Here is the link to where I made my music from:)
Pass the blog is a blog that classes from all around the world can post something about what their class has done through out the week!
From Monday the 24th - Friday the 28th Room 20 have had the chance to put some of their work up!
Above is a video that I chose to do, with a diary from night number one for our senior school production!
Pass The Blog,
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Night Number One!
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Here is my poster that I created on this LINK! Night Number One The excitement is running through the air, I can feel it running up my spine. It is going around everyone. Well tonight is our first performance in front of a live audience. I am so excited, I have all of my costumes here in room 3. All of the Kapa Haka group are playing hand games, getting their makeup done. Then Mali our instructor and Teeps the guitar player walk in and say that they could hear us from the hall, which is bad because our audience were entering the hall. I was so eager to start. Then it was time. Time to line up outside in the cold, with wet puddles and the slight sign of grey rain clouds in the night sky. My feet were frozen, my toes were like icicles. As for the rest of the group, I think they were cold to. Then the door opened all I could think of was. “ Time to go on stage. “ But sadly no we were getting told off for being so loud. Then at long last the door swung open and nearly hit me in the face. It was time. Our time to shine in front of everyone. Once we had gone through our three songs and one Haka, we left the stage to get into our next costumes. I had to get into my white top and black shorts, with makeup all ready for my Locomotion dance and wearable arts. So here I am waiting behind the curtain. Then it was the Green Is Gold play. They finished with a rap/song. That was when all of the wearable arts people went to go and get changed into our costumes. Then after waiting for the third dance group, we all entered the back of hall ready to ‘ strut our style ‘ down the aisle and around the stage. It was so much fun showing off my costume to the audience. Next I had to take my wearable arts costume off. Then Erin and Thea come rushing in to make sure that Thea can get dressed and get all of her makeup on ready for our Locomotion dance. Once Thea was dressed and had all of her makeup on we were out the door rushing over to the door that is behind the curtain. Just as we arrive we had about 3 minutes until we were on. Doing Locomotion was awesome, the group had so much fun. Then Erin, Thea and I all run off and get our leggings and Rock ‘n’ Roll skirts on already for our time to boogie on stage. Wow, I was getting tired by the time we were arriving at the door ‘ AGAIN. ‘ Now that we are doing our Rock ‘n’ Roll in front of everyone with the choir singing all over the place, I think that I am almost ready to call it a night. But sadly no I still have choir number two that I have to perform in and I also have another three nights. Along with the rest of team 5 students I have a feeling that we are very excited to finally have this show up and running, but by the end of the week I am sure that we are going to be very, very, VERY tired! |
Monday, September 24, 2012
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If you want to try and draw a Tree of life here is a picture with all of the steps to draw it! |
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Please scan me if you can and find out what it says!
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Here is the original Tree Of Life by Klimt! |
Here is my Tree Of PRIDE |
Here is my Tree of life, but Mr.M said to call it the Tree of PRIDE. All of my symbols represent what I find enjoyable and what I like in my life. The first Tree of life was made my a guy called Klimt. It was a great design and it has inspired many people like Room 20. I have animal symbols which represents that I like animals. The picture of New Zealand represents that I like New Zealand. The maths symbols represent that I LOVE maths. All of my symbols are a great and enjoyable part of my life.
By Felicity!
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Scary Poem
Here is me and Tash reading our scary poem. Below is a recording, a picture of our good copy and the poem in writing from the Document.
This was so much fun I really enjoyed doing this. Tash did most of the poem, but asked me for a little help. While she did that I drew our two Furry Friends and their pet.
Here Is Tash & I Reading Our Scary Poem!
We recorded it on Audacity. Then uploaded it to our class DivShare!
Audacity is on our computers desktop.
To little friends come out at night,
You must be in bed or your get a fright,
Small or big it doesn't matter,
They will always come and eat ya,
Spots and stripes will haunt you too,
Ears, teeth, feet and more,
Paws, tongue, eyes and glore,
Come if you dare to their hideout but beware you might never come out!
Don’t forget they have a pet,
That will eat you but not your head,
I may warn you to stay away don’t obey me then you will pay!
This was so much fun I really enjoyed doing this. Tash did most of the poem, but asked me for a little help. While she did that I drew our two Furry Friends and their pet.
Here Is Tash & I Reading Our Scary Poem!
We recorded it on Audacity. Then uploaded it to our class DivShare!
Audacity is on our computers desktop.
To little friends come out at night,
You must be in bed or your get a fright,
Small or big it doesn't matter,
They will always come and eat ya,
Spots and stripes will haunt you too,
Ears, teeth, feet and more,
Paws, tongue, eyes and glore,
Come if you dare to their hideout but beware you might never come out!
Don’t forget they have a pet,
That will eat you but not your head,
I may warn you to stay away don’t obey me then you will pay!
Here is the furry friends pets. The one on the left is called Mr.Evil Green. The one in the middle is called Bacon and Cheese. The one on the very end is their pet called Bouncy Pouncy! |
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Reflection On Olympic Wheel Day
Reflection Olympic Wheel Day
· Something I was pleased with was how well TUI worked as a team and tried their very best, because it was my first real House competition being a house leader.
· I really enjoyed learning how the seniors and the middle school work in different ways to try and get a placing, because now I know for further house comps what I am going into.
· Something I found hard was trying to get my team to listen to my instructions and having to talk over the wind.
· Something that made me think was will TUI try their very best and get us a good placing, because I knew that TUI team 1 & 2 TUI team that I was working with were doing well, but were the other TUI teams doing well with the Sport pals.
· Something I want to get better at is communicating to the rest of the team a little better.
(What can I do about it?) Talk to them in a type of way that they understand more:)
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Here is Tash and I running for our teams ( Kea and Tui ) Who do you think will win out of us two? |
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Here is me and half of the senior Tui team. |
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Julian trying to make sure that in will get a head start! |
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Me trying to win for our team. |
Reflection On Optimist Yachting
Reflection For Optimist Yachting!
·Something I was pleased with was making Hannah and Courtney laugh while yachting, because it was there first time so it made us all more confident.
·Something I was pleased with was making Hannah and Courtney laugh while yachting, because it was there first time so it made us all more confident.
· I really enjoyed learning how to control an optimist yacht when the wind is blowing at a reasonable speed, because last year we didn’t have as much wind as this year.
· Something I found hard was fighting the wind when we were kayaking, because it was very windy and I got stuck on a rock twice going under the bridge.
· Something that made me think was are the year 5’s enjoying their first time going optimist yachting, because it seemed to me that they were enjoying it, but were they?
· Something I want to get better at is control the kayak more when it is windy, so I don’t bash into anything or get stuck in the current.
What can I do about it? I can paddle harder so that there would be more power to keep the kayak on track.
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Here is Brody in his kayak and me in the background on mine. |
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Natasha, Felicity ( Me ), Katherine. |
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