The Creation Hello I am Felicity and today I found out that I was going to be in Wearable Arts for the senior production. “Parkvale Live. “ All that was going around in my head was what should I do for wearable arts. In about 10 minutes I had made my mind up. I was going to do a super hero cape, made from fabric. With a line of 3 chippie packets down the middle. On each side is fruit burst wrappers. They are only stapled on the top so then they can flick up like feathers on a bird. On the bottom half my name ( Flossie ) is painted with the Olympics. Blue, Red, Black, Green, Yellow. When I was at home and bored I decided to add some more fruit burst wrappers down below on the outline that was left bare at the bottom. I also thought that I better add a mask to make me look like a superhero. Planning The Event Today all of the senior school went to the hall to discuss more about the production and what is going to happen. As we were leaving the hall Erin ran up to me and asked me if I wanted to do Rock ‘n’ Roll with Tyrin while choir one sings “We Go Together “ I said sure. So now I am doing Choir, Kapa Haka, Wearable Arts and Rock ‘n’ Roll in the Parkvale Live Production. A Little Tweak Here & A Little Tweak There Today was so cool. We performed the whole production in front of the team 5 students and teachers. It was a long wait for it to finish, but it was spectacular, I love how the teachers have put it together. So Thank you teachers you have made this production AWESOME. I had Kapa Haka first up then I had Wearable Arts, I then had Rock ‘n’ Roll with Erin & Regan, Thea & Josh and me & Tyrin. After we had Rock ‘n’ Roll Erin and I had to go and sing for the small Choir. After that we were done. The reason why the day went for ever, is because we had to do fix ups and stops every now and then. I can’t wait till the end of the week where we will have a full dress rehearsal before the Monday night show in front of our family and friends. Chilling Out Helping Others ( Day 4 ) Today we had to finish our Wearable Art designs. I had already finished it so I had to help the rest of the group. While we were doing this the other seniors were doing a bit of a run through and practise on stage without some of the group. But Wait There's More Today we had a run through of the whole Production. We only had the odd stop to say something that had to happen. We started from the very first act to the very last one. Then once we had finished and we were back in class, once again Erin came up to me to ask if I were able to do a dance with Thea, Olivia and herself for Emily and Raiha, in the background of them singing “Locomotion.” Our dance was made up in 15 minutes. The dance has got some pretty cool moves in it. It is funny and AWESOME. The End Is Near Today we did another run through of the whole production. It was lots of fun and it was Thea, Erin, Olivia and my first time performing our dance in front of the senior school and the teachers. It was fun, but after the production was finished we had a lot of practise to do. We also had Kapa Haka practise today in the afternoon. I even had Choir practise after the bell rang. We did great work with our practising. |
Up The Top Is My Mask And Below That Is My Super Hero Cape! |
This is my Rock 'n' Roll Outfit! |
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Here is my TAGXEDO for all of the words that featured in my Production Diary! |
Me Before The Catwalk For Wearable Arts! |
Production from Johnstones on Vimeo.